Adding LogicMonitor Graphs to your customer reports

Adding a LogicMonitor graph to your report is easy, and works for HTML, DOCX (Word), PDF and PPTX (PowerPoint).

Let’s use Report Studio and go through the examples from the in-built ReportMagic help system. To follow along, simply:

  1. Click on Report Studio
  2. Click “Insert Macro”
  3. Search for “LogicMonitor.Graph”
  4. Insert each example, modifying the “device” parameter to refer to a device in your environment

Example 1: The basics

    graphName=CPU Usage,

Let’s break down the parameters:

  • device: this selects the device (or “resource”) by Display Name, which is always unique in a LogicMonitor portal. Note that this is not the same as “hostname” (IP address or DNS entry) as these a NOT unique in LogicMonitor. You can also use deviceId instead.

  • dataSourceInstanceName: this selects the DataSource AND instance name. For a single-instance DataSource like WinCPU, this is simply the DataSource name.

  • graphName: a DataSource may have multiple graphs, so this selects which graph we are using. The Graph’s unique name is used, not the display name. You can also use graphId.

Easy! The colors used are those used by LogicMonitor. What if we wanted to change that?

Example 2: Modifying the palette and y axis label format

    graphName=CPU Usage,

In this example, we have modified the look and feel slightly with the following parameters:

Example 3: Fixed lines

    graphName=CPU Usage,dataSourceInstanceName=WinCPU,

Here, we have added fixed y-value lines to the graph, for example to demonstrate upper and lower limits, using the parameter:

  • fixedLines=10%^10^LimeGreen;90%^90^LightCoral

Note how we provide three parameters for each line: the label (shown in the legend on the right), the value and the color.

Example 4: including only specific data points

    graphName=Queue Length,
    includeDataPoint=Queue Length

Here, we have chosen to only show one of the available lines on the graph using the parameter:

  • includeDataPoint=Queue Length

You can choose to include OR exclude specific lines.

Example 5: Custom Y Axis label

    graphName=CPU Usage,
    yAxisLabel=Custom Y Axis Label

Here, we override LogicMonitor’s default Y Axis label.

There are many other parameters demonstrated by help examples. Let’s skip ahead to forecasting:

Example 9: Forecasting

    graphName=CPU Usage,

In this example, we use LogicMonitor’s built-in time series forecasting capability to project future CPU usage for a month into the future. [We modified the standard training and forecast time to 3 months.]

Example 12: Netflow data


Wondering what’s using all that bandwidth? Adding a graph to your monthly customer reports is as easy as that! [We have modified the start and end dates for the help example to just show data for one day and adjusted the chart height


Adding LogicMonitor graphs to your custom reports is easy. We have just touched on the possibilities here - it’s also possible to:

  • include lines from multiple devices or multiple instances into a single graph
  • aggregate such lines at the instance or device level
  • exclude periods of Scheduled Down Time (SDT)
  • obtain aggregates as summary values using the [LogicMonitor.SummaryValue:] or [LogicMonitor.SummaryValueList:] macros, incluing first, last, mean, min, max, centiles, percentConditionMet and many more

Let us know if we can help you with YOUR LogicMonitor graphing and reporting requirements :slight_smile: