Full list of valid [List.Where:] condition operators?

Using [List.Where:] supports filtering a larger list to only those elements meeting certain criteria. From the examples in the help, numerical operators and exact string matches are shown:

[List.Where: values={=List}, condition=“value == ‘banana’”, mode=Normal, storeAs=OutputList]
[List.Where: values={=TheArray}, condition=“jPath(value,‘Count’) > 2”, mode=normal, storeAs=Result]

What is the full list of supported operators in the condition clause?

  • Is there anything equivalent to LIKE, CONTAINS, BEGINS WITH, etc. for string comparisons?

See the example below (which didn’t work when tried in Report Studio):

[Toggl.ProjectList: properties=Id;Name, storeAsHidden=ProjectList]
[List.Where: values={=ProjectList}, condition=“jPath(value,‘Name’) == ‘ABC Project Name 1’”, storeAs=OrgProjectList] // Returns single value
[List.Where: values={=ProjectList}, condition=“jPath(value,‘Name’) == ‘ABC Project Name 2’”, storeAs=OrgProjectList] // Returns single value

[List.Where: values={=ProjectList}, condition=“jPath(value,‘Name’) contains ‘ABC’”, storeAs=OrgProjectList] // Doesn’t work


Just answered my own question - use the Panoramic Data NCalcExtension library!

See below:

[List.Where: values={=ProjectList}, condition=“contains(jPath(value, ‘Name’), ‘ABC’)”, storeAs=OrgProjectList] // Able to return multiple values that match the criteria

Something similar should work wherever a macro supports the condition parameter.

Very cool :sunglasses: - Kudos to @David_Bond and the Panoramic Data Dev Team! :clap:

A list of useful nCalc extentions can be found in the Docs.
https://docs.magicsuite.net/docs/ReportMagic under
Macros > Core > Calculate
these can also be use on any marco that takes a condition statement