Report Studio: ToolTips

Code Editor: Column Select / Edit Mode

Using Report Studio in Code mode provides a richly featured code editor, including the ability to perform column-based selection and editing. There are two methods:

  1. Hold down Shift + Alt, then click and drag with the mouse:
  2. Move the cursor to where you want to start the selection from, then hold Ctrl + Alt, and use up / down arrow keys:

Why is this useful?

Any edit you make is applied to all selected rows simultaneously. For example:

  1. Change a macro parameter value in all rows of a list table:
    (Shift + Alt, click-n-drag method)

  2. Insert (or delete) a ‘multi-line comment block’ to easily and quickly test different versions of a macro during report development in the same rmscript file:
    (Ctrl + Alt + up/down arrow key method):

Community Request

When developing reports, such code editing short-cuts can be a real time-saver and productivity boost. Please share any others that you have found… :slightly_smiling_face: